The Obsolete Air-Cooled Documentation Project
Wow! Who archived this stuff for us?

The following people have made meaningful contributions to the Obsolete Air-Cooled Documentation Project, and are deserving of your gratitude. Where possible these people are credited on the pages where their work appears, as well as on this page. Creating this site was not a trivial task and has taken many collective hours of work, probably better measured in days. The list below is in alphabetical order and believed to be complete (PLEASE let me know if otherwise).

This site is a result of cooperation across the United States of all the people below. It was possible only through the trust and friendship of the internet VW community here in the USA and all over the world. Documents were sent in good faith through the mail to be scanned and all were returned to their owners. Many of the people involved have never met each other in real life. To me (the coordinator) this is an amazing thing, people sent documentation sometimes worth hundreds of dollars across the nation without blinking an eye.

On this page I didn't put people who did little things like "this link is broken". But any and all help improving the site is welcomed, and I thank you!

-Andrew Whitlock

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The oacdp project source is registered © 2001-2011 and distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3.0. All other copyrighted materials are property of their respective owners and are on display for educational purposes only.